103th, 104th ,105th & 106th Batches Admission Continues for Logistics & Supply Chain Management.


1. Father of principles of management is___________

Answer: Henry Fayol

2. F.W. Taylor is associated with____________

Answer: Scientific Management

  1. Henry Fayol was a French____________

Answer: Industrialist

  1. Pioneer of Human Relations is___________

Answer: Elton Mayo

5.Espirit de corps means______________

Answer: union is strength

6. __________function is regarded as the essence of management.

Answer: co-ordination

7.Management and administration are______________

Answer: partly same and partly different

  1. The Practice of Management written by __________

Answer: Peter F Drucker

  1. ___________ is the harmonizing or synchronizing of individual efforts with the purpose of achieving group goals.

Answer: coordination

  1. Henry Fayol laid down____________

Answer: 14 principles

  1. Piece Rate System is contributed by____________

Answer: Taylor

  1. Principles of Management was contributed by________________

Answer: Hendry Fayol

  1. __________ is an obligation to perform certain functions and achieve certain results.

Answer: responsibility

  1. The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is _________

Answer: Scalar chain

15. An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards the attainment of goals is called an

Answer:  organization

  1. Control system of an organization has no influence over the _____________

Answer: external environment

  1. Steps to be taken for selecting sales persons is an example of ___________.

Answer: procedures

  1. Allotment of work to each worker on the basis of the capacity of an average worker functioning in the normal working condition is.___________

Answer: scientific task planning

  1. General and Industrial Management was written by_______________

Answer: Hendry Fayol

  1. The decision deal with novel and non-repetitive problems is___________

Answer: non-programmed decision

  1. Study of the movements of both the workers and the machine to eliminate wasteful movement is ___________.

Answer: motion study

  1. A system of co-operative activities of two or more persons is called __________

Answer: organization

  1. Planning lays down the overall objective, strategies and polices for the total enterprise is__________

Answer: corporate planning

  1. Short term planning is______________

Answer: 1 year

  1. Henry Fayol concentrated on______________

Answer: top management

  1. A study relating to the fixing of the working hours with rest periods to recoup the energy while performing in job is called_______________
  1. Placing purchase order is an example of ________.

Answer: fatigue study

Answer: programmed decision

  1. The decision which has long term impact on business is _________

Answer: non-programmed decision

  1. Contingent plan to meet environmental pressures is ____________

Answer: strategies

  1. The Era of Scientific Management is_____________

Answer: 1880-1930

  1. Medium term planning is_______________

Answer:  2 to 5 years

  1. The selection of best alternative from many alternatives is known as__________

Answer: decision-making

33.Management is the art of getting things done through and with an informally organized_____________

Answer: Harold Koontz

  1. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is_______________

Answer: Unity of command

  1. Management is the art and science of decision making and leadership ________

Answer: Donald J Clough

  1. A statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms for a definite period of time in the future is known as ____________

Answer: budgets

  1. Management is what a manager does_____________

Answer: Louis Allan

  1. Long term planning is____________

Answer: 5 to 15 years

  1. The planning focus specific functional areas of business is________________

Answer: divisions planning

  1. The first man who advocated the view that the management should and can be taught is_____________

Answer: Hendry Fayol

  1. Planning focus on day-to-day actions of work units is_______________

Answer: unit planning

  1. The decision which relates to day-to-day operation of an organization is known as __________

Answer: operative decision

  1. Luther Gullik classifies the function of management as__________


  1. Which organizational relationship gives a greater job satisfaction and results in maximum production?

Answer:informal organization

  1. The principle seeks to ensure unity of action is______________

Answer:Unity of direction

  1. The first and foremost function of management is_______________


  1. To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to compound, to co-ordinate and to control. This definition was given by____________

Answer:Hendry Fay

  1. Formal authority flows from upwards to downwards in___________

Answer: formal organization

  1. The most popular management think of modern times is________________

Answer: Mary Parkett

50. The first workman authority in management is_________

Answer: Lillian Gilberth

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