103th, 104th ,105th & 106th Batches Admission Continues for Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

Mobile App Development

Kerala’s top mobile app development training center

As mobile usage explodes globally, Mithra Institute brings you a power-packed Mobile App Development course in Kerala to build in-demand skills for building cross-platform apps. With elaborate modules in Flutter, React Native and hybrid frameworks, earn an all-rounded mobile development certification backed by extensive hands-on training


Our updated mobile app course curriculum helps you gain expertise in not just app UI/UX principles but also integrating functionality like GPS, cameras, push notifications across Android and iOS platforms. Design thinking concepts coupled with agile methods lets you sustainably deliver better mobile products suited for startups and enterprises.

Dedicated tracks in app backend coding using Node.js, MongoDB and Firebase expands your capacity to build fully functional mobile apps with dynamic data and enhanced security. As part of course projects, get mentored by industry experts while creating real-world apps simulating app store submission criteria for added employability value.

Those with intermediate coding experience can benefit the most from this intensive course that will equip them for roles like Mobile App Developer, Lead Mobile Developer, App Architect across technology hubs worldwide. Working IT professionals can also join our part-time mobile computing batches suitable for upskilling during weekends. 

Join Kerala’s top mobile app development training center in Kochi today to learn the most advanced mobile app coding skills for building the next generation of consumer and enterprise apps on play stores globally.

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